For 95% of all spiders I see, I grab them by hand and take them outside. If I found out their fangs can pierce huma… https://t.co/3c4xotyIfR
This is a game changer. #gimmeBay3SwitchLitePlease https://t.co/Q0fHdEAhx9
I’m gonna get the yellow! It’ll be like when I got the GameBoy Color in yellow and told people it was the Pikachu v… https://t.co/ch1jn74ICN
*sees spider* *takes picture of spider* *researches spider* *goes back to take another picture of spider from di… https://t.co/yDKygoxPtu
I beat @GearsofWar 4! 🎉 Can’t wait for #Gears5!
Watch me instead 😎 Playing @GearsofWar 4 Campaign around 8pm PT Hopefully my camera works.… https://t.co/lx1NUrWKWg
RT @aIonefeeIs: PSA: you shouldn’t have to beg someone to love you you shouldn’t have to beg someone to care you shouldn’t have… https://t.co/mO25ZLVzb9
I just spent the last hour giggling at Weird @alyankovic’s twitter. I was raised on Weird Al. The first concert I… https://t.co/K37vge53J4
Live streaming some @GearsofWar 4 on my schweet @AMDGaming PC! Come hang out at https://t.co/8Ev19yCau1! https://t.co/X9OJUDspTB
The crossover I didn’t know I needed. (If you know the artist/creator please tag them! Wanna give props!) https://t.co/ecxBhJKNp5